Clarendon Way
Now2 hours

Leeds General Infirmary

Multi-Storey - 1300 spots

Visitors only
£32 hours


Disabled spots
Height restrictions: 6' 7"
More features: Safer Parking Award


Mon-Sun - All day
2 Hours£3.00
4 Hours£6.00
6 Hours£12.00
24 Hours£17.70

Opening Times

Mon-Sun06:00 - 00:00

Payment Options

Pay And Display
PayByPhone users can pay by calling 0330-400-7275 , SMS 65565 (Location ID 807059)


Mar 30, 2024

Went to the LGi today, car park machine not working, card got declined twice so used another card that got declined yet payment from both cards has been taken out, no phone number to ring about this problem so how do I get my money back, wouldn’t take cash either, not very good for the technical age we are supposed to live in but as everything in this country , nobody cares as long as they are getting your hard earned money

Nov 30, 2023

Dreadful car park with so few spaces for visitors it’s not worth attempting. It doesn’t when drivers with vans take up more than a space.

Aug 14, 2023

Got to the car park and discovered that 3 of the machines were not working! Would not accept cards or cash! We were there between 9.45 and 10am on 14th August, but didn’t want to be late for appointment, so my husband went while I tried to pay by phone. When I rang the number on the board, it said it does not take phone payments, so now waiting for a Fine as I just had to leave the car and not be late.

Aug 10, 2023

As if it isn’t stressful enough having a loved one in hospital this car park is something else. Really tight on the ramps and really small spaces. Parked once because I had to. Attempted it again the next day but no spaces and too stressed to navigate. Won’t use it again.

Apr 30, 2023

Don’t know what all the fuss is about from the incompetent drivers as I got my Mercedes Vito van up the ramps no problem also been in my L200 again no issues All these bad reviews are from rubbish drivers

Dec 4, 2022

Worst car park ever. No way could I use the down ramp without scraping the side of the car. A very kind lady with a small child tried to help me as I was so stressed. I will never try to use it again.

Jul 12, 2021

I agree with others that parking spaces are really tight but if you park right in your bay then there won't be a problem.

Mar 10, 2021

Used this car park many times with a Mitsubishi Shogun,never had a problem.Don't know what everyone's griping about.

Feb 10, 2021

Not suitable to be called a car park! Car was scratched due to the ridiculously small ramps

Nov 30, 2020

0 stars. It is by a distance the worst car park I have ever been to. It’s literally forcing you to have your car damaged. It is stressful, dingy awful and unnecessary. It shouldn’t be called a car park.

Oct 24, 2020

Should be awarded the worst car park in the country. Nightmare ramps- hungry for scratching the car. Best design award for jutting concrete slabs off the dingy ramps.

Aug 11, 2020

Like all the other reviewers I can't believe this car park has not been demolished. I spent 20 minutes trying to get down one of the ramps as carefully as I could. That was an expensive visit to hospital! £250 for the repairs for all the scratches! Judging by all the scratch marks on the concrete ramps I'm not the only one out of pocket!

Aug 10, 2020

This car park was an incredibly stressful experience. The spaces are tiny and the ramps are so tight it is ridiculous. Had to leave and park in the city centre and walk briskly to get to my appointment.

Feb 19, 2020

Horrendously cramped, narrow spaces, difficult to get around as its not designed for anything newer than a 1960's car. And the cherry on top of pay and display is a complete joke at a hospital where they keep you waiting for hours so you have no idea how long you will be. We are in for a series of operations and there is no concession scheme so have to pretty much just buy 24h up front each day.

Oct 26, 2019

I would give this car psrk zero starsbif possible. I have scraped my car twice this week as impossible to get down ramps in Toyota Auris. When visiting my seriously ill husband it adds very much to the stress. A disgraceful car park. It should be knocked down and rebuilt.

Aug 19, 2019

Useless car park designed by morons.Use only if you've arrived by motorbike or your car is 2 foot long and no taller than a Time Bandit.A 1 star rating is because it has the misleading name "Car Park"

May 7, 2019

Scraped both sides of my Mazda 3 sport, the turn onto the ramps is ridiculous, the down ramps are the worst, nowhere near enough blue badge spaces, when you do get parked they shaft you to park there. I'm a good driver but this car park has beaten me. They could make the ramps wider but would lose money with fewer spaces, disgusted!!!!!

Nov 8, 2018

Bottom three floors are for visitor parking the rest is for staff. Very narrow ramps between floors if you have anything other than a small car. Most of the spaces are quite narrow. It's not the cleanest of car parks I've been in but I've also been in worse.

Aug 10, 2018

As with every other review, what idiot thought that concrete walls jutting out from the ramps was a design feature needs to be sent back to pull the building down brick by brick, either buy a mini or forget parking at LGI. Much easier to go on the train

Jun 27, 2018

Awful car park. Very narrow spaces. Not enough spaces. Need to decide how long you'll be up-front. Couldn't get card payments to work. In desperate need of modernisation.

Jun 10, 2018

This may be the worst car park in the country. Certainly the worst I have experienced. Awkward to get in and out of the bays and bays to small for modern width cars. The cost is also horrendous. You have to pay on arrival but how long will you be. I have lost out on several occasions by paying for time that I did not use. Wharfedale hospital has the same system. Why is it not like St. James hospital where you pay for time spent there. Pull the car park down, build a new one with a decent pay structure.

May 15, 2018

If only I could give 0, worst parking experience of my life!!! I scratched my new Astra on the the ramp in this piece of crap parking lot!! It deserves to be knocked down! And I would gladly do this for you!!!

Apr 14, 2018

well I agree with other reviews terrible car park . so height restriction is 2mtrs my car is just under (never ever had an issue ) however my car is damaged by the ceiling concrete on the way up an exit ramp from lower ground. Bearing in mind I had navigated narrow turns without issue. cleary a fault in the building!

Apr 5, 2018

It's nothing more than a money racketeering scheme. The parking should be free. Nobody goes to a hospital for fun whoever came up with these massive prices is only trying to make themselves rich at the expense of the poor and sick. The parking bays are also very small.

Mar 14, 2018

Do not attempt to park here!! Anything bigger than a small hatchback will struggle on the ramps and the ridiculously small spaces. I was in my wife's Volvo V70 and it took 20 minutes to navigate through. Awful design

Mar 7, 2018

Was full but furthermore to my disgust managed to scrape my new car which I have only had for 3 months.... I hate you so much!! Tried to give it no stars... Do not even consider this place if you have anything bigger than a C1, OR mini! Even the larger minis struggled!!

Nov 21, 2017

Worst car park in Leeds. Not fit for purpose. Arrive an hour early to get chance of a place and as per the other reviewers. Too small and tight turning circles and to charge that price is an insult.

Oct 13, 2017

Went into this car park when visiting a friend in hospital. There should be warning signs as the enter this car park. It was impossible to get my car up the ramps. As a result I ended up scrapping the rear end of my car leaving me with a £400 repair bill. This car park needs knocking down and rebuilding!

Oct 2, 2017

Like others, I would rate this car park as 0 stars if possible. One incident I helped with was a van driver who couldn't get out. His van was too tall for the exit ramps but made it up to the higher floors ok. We ended up letting his tyres down (luckily I had a digital tyre pump in my car). Spaces are narrow with a concrete pillar every 2 spaces that you have to be within an inch or so of. Curious, almost triangular layout means that some of the corners are extremely sharp and tight and if you park in the wrong spot in anything bigger than a polo etc you might not be able to get back out when you return. It's too small a car park for the size of the hospital as well - with several floors blocked from public access. This means it is always busy and it can take driving round for 30 mins to actually find a space. Arrive early!

Jun 10, 2017

When will anybody listen to these reviews? The worst car park ever. I don't know anotger member of staff who hasn't bumped their car in this car park. Any when you do get bumped, security will smugly tell you that the cameras don't work anyway. Ridiculous!

Feb 21, 2017

Had to go to lgi A

Feb 1, 2017

Way to expensive. No room to drive. Horrendous

Oct 11, 2016

Never again. I drove in and, after the trauma of trying to get my Mondeo up the ramp, I dare not even attempt to try to park in it. I drove straight out again. It is the worst car park that I have ever been in.

Jun 14, 2016

I tried to give it NO STARS but that is not an option. The mutt who designed this car park needs shooting. Seriously: as you go round one part of it the spaces narrow and narrow to the point where if anything longer than a mini parks in the end bay you can't get through and you can't reverse if you've got people behind you! And beware the seven foot wide down ramps which have a ruddy great wall of concrete jutting out for NO REASON WHATSOEVER... so if you have a car which gets wider at its back, and you've made the turning circle with inches to spare just to even get onto the fecking down ramp, don't be surprised if your side doors then get scraped. Seriously - how do I sue the idiots who built this car park?

Apr 15, 2016

tried to park in the multi storey with my Audi Q7 i couldn't even get it up the ramp so only ground floor available to my car but guess what full!!! Have to now use road parking and can only stay for 2 hrs. rubbish!!

Oct 27, 2015

Tight spaces and ramps. Visiting times for hospital are in 2 hour blocks so to visit you need to pay 4 hours or cut visit short. Not many spaces for a large hospital (top couple of floors are for staff)

Nov 5, 2014

the person who designed this abomination should be made to park in it 10 times a day for the rest of his life

Jan 15, 2014

Parking spaces ridiculously narrow, cost unjustifiable, often full - the one reason I hate visiting LGI.

Feb 28, 2012

Limited spaces as most reserved for staff. Badly designed with narrow ramps and lots of pillars making manouvering difficult. Parked when daughter was admitted via A&E and returned to car at 1am to discover car park locked up and had to go and security to open it up.

Apr 27, 2010

The car park is right next to A & E so is brilliant for location if visiting the hospital. However the car parking spaces are tiny (ok for smart car drivers). The ramps up to the different levels are so tight to navigate there are different colour streaks along the walls where cars have hit the sides. Not good for the nervous/faint hearted drivers.

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Parking in Leeds

A number of commercial companies and Leeds City Council (Parking Services 0113 395 0050) operate car parks in the city with varying pricing structures.

There are large car parks situated near the major shopping centres in the city centre. These include 'The Light', 'The Merrion Centre', the 'Corn Exchange' and 'Woodhouse Lane'.

There are also a number of pay and display areas in the city, but finding an available space during normal shopping hours can be a challenge.

There are good public transport links within the city and it is often easier to park a bit further out and take the bus into town.

Leeds City Council also uses the Parkmobile app on smart phone for cashless parking in its open air car parks. See for more information